Category Archives: Business Lawyer Edmonton
5 Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for a Business Loan
Here we are sharing 5 business loan application mistakes that must be avoided to secure
Mining Violations in Canada
Canada's mining industry is so vast and far-reaching that certain violations of regulations are bound
Managing Sweat Equity in Your Enterprise
Prowse Barrette LLP's team consists of experienced Lawyers and Paralegals, who will work with you
Managing Cloud Computing SLA Failures
Cloud computing in particular is dealing with a host of such breaches. Privacy among others
Manage Mobile Employees Who Do Not Honour Company Work Hours Appropriately
In the recent decision related to Ross v IBM Canada Limited, 2015 ABQB 563, the
Legal Tips For New Business Owners
The months you spent preparing your big business idea has been tiresome, but all will
5 Legal Mistakes Not-for-Profit Organizations Make
Book a consultation with our firm today to learn about legal mistakes that not-for-profits organization
4 Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs can Easily Avoid
We, at Prowse Barrette (Previously Prowse Chowne), understand the common legal mistakes made by startups.
Legal Issues Associated with the Integration of Social Media into Business
Keep these tips in mind while including online marketing tools into your business plan and
Legal Help: How Are You Charged?
If you think one method of billing will work best for you compared to another
Lawyers You Need For Your Business
The best way to make sure that you don't create a problem before your business
Lawyer For Small Businesses: Tips On How To Choose The Right One
A good business lawyer who understands the laws of Edmonton concerning businesses should help save
Law Firms: Benefits Of Working With A Team Of Lawyers
The idea of working with a lawyer from a big law firm would open your
Law Firm Or In-House Legal Team? What Should You Choose?
One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing your legal process to a law firm is
Know your Maternity Related Employment Rights
A maternity leave is a right that every working woman is entitled to and the
Key Elements of a Non-Disclosure Agreement
NDAs can help your business protect several entities such as trade secrets, schematics for a
6 Things to Keep in Mind While Drafting Consulting Agreements
Small businesses and start-ups form a big part of the Canadian economy, comprising of over 98% of
Job Description Of A Business Lawyer
Small business owners need the expertise of small business lawyers. This does not mean, though,
Issues Of Start-Up Businesses
To ensure that all matters are dealt with to avoid any conflict that could affect
IP And Piracy – What’s The Latest In Canada?
This system involves tracking IP addresses of users accessing pirated content and sending them copyright
Investing In Canada: Guidelines To Help You Start
Investors will also find strategic investments in terms of education, training and literacy along with
Incorporating A Not-for-Profit Organization
Soliciting your company as a not-for-profit corporation is a tedious process. It involves you and
Import into Canada The Right Way
If you are planning to start an import business and would like to have a
How To Talk To A Lawyer
They are there to provide you with a better understanding of the legal situation you
How To Start Your Restaurant
At the end of the day, after all, the choices that you have made, remember
How To Start Your Own Business
it is important that you understand everything legal about it. Without a good business lawyer
How To Register Your Business In Canada
Be proactive in running your business and take care of all the licensing and registration
How to Protect Yourself When doing Business on The Cloud?
One of the more important questions that businesses have started asking themselves is what they
How To Protect Your Franchise From Misrepresentation?
Misrepresentation claims can be expensive and time consuming. It can be damaging to the franchise
How To Protect Your Business From Liabilities
It is important for every responsible industrialist to protect his/her trade from litigations to avoid