Administrative & Regulatory Law
In Alberta many of the decisions that affect our clients are made by administrative or regulatory tribunals.

Administrative & Regulatory Law
In Alberta, many of the decisions that affect our clients are made by administrative or regulatory tribunals. These decisions can range from approval of a well site, a routing decision for a pipeline or a power line, or a decision to include private lands in a development plan. Generally, any decision of a tribunal that impacts our client’s rights or directly impacts their lands can be challenged in accordance with the principles of administrative law.
We also represent our clients before municipal boards, councils and tribunals related to development, such as subdivision development appeal boards. Our experience assists the Landowner in navigating the complex processes set out by the tribunal or decision maker that allow affected parties to participate in the decision-making processes.
Our regulatory practice group focuses on resolving issues that arise as a result of competing for land uses. We regularly appear before the Alberta Energy Regulator (formerly the ERCB), the National Energy Board (NEB), the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), the Surface Rights Board and the Land Compensation Board.