What Are Your Rights When the Cops Pull you Over?
It is important for you to learn about your rights when you are pulled over
What Are Your Basic Rights As Citizens Of Canada?
Your basic rights are your legal entitlements and if you feel your rights are being
What Are the Subsurface Rights In Alberta?
As the name suggests, subsurface property rights are constitutional rights of the citizens of Alberta
What Are The Legal Rights For Same Sex Parents In Canada?
If you have been facing problems similar to this, then get in touch with a
What Are The Duties Of A Power Of Attorney?
A power of attorney (POA) is a written authorisation that grants a designated person the
What Are The Domain Name Laws In Canada?
If your domain name has been copied by another business or you suspect you may
What Are The Different Types Of Corporations From A Tax Perspective?
There are different types of corporations for tax purposes. As a business owner, you have
What are Subsurface Rights in Canada?
In the case of any dispute regarding your surface rights, consult an expert property lawyer
What Are Some Trademarks That Are Not Allowed to Be Registered?
A trademark will only qualify for registration if it does not contravene with the Trademarks
What Are Intentional Torts?
To understand these offences better and take legal action against a repeated offender, consult our
4 Ways to Avoid Estate Litigation in the Future
By planning your estate properly, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from serious
4 Ways Of Resolving Internal Disputes In Your Business
If you are having trouble implementing these procedures accurately, book an appointment with our legal
4 Ways your Business can Avoid Copyright Infringement
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original musical, literary, artistic, and other
Using Your Competitor’s IP to Enhance Your SEO
Using your competitor's IP (such as brand name or slogan) to enhance your SEO is
Using the Corporations Canada Site
Corporations Canada (CC) is Canada's federal regulator, which offers a number of services and information
United States Provisional Patent Applications And Their Dangers
Filing a patent application can be an expensive undertaking and it is important for your
Understanding Which Criteria Is Used When Deciding Which Patents Are Granted : Part 2
When filing for a patent with the CIPO, there are certain processes and procedures which
Understanding Which Criteria Is Used When Deciding Which Patents Are Granted : Part 1
The Patent Act and the Patent Rules determine the application process in Canada. In Canada,
Understanding the Value of Your IP
This post is primarily about explaining to you the value of IP in general. If
Understanding The Umbrella of Protection Under Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property is a term that is often misunderstood. Intellectual Property is a term that
Understanding Trademark Infringement in Canada: Part 3
Under Canada's Trademark Act, there are several routes of action that can occur if a
Understanding Trademark Infringement in Canada: Part 2
Trademark infringement involves consumer confusion about the origin of goods or services due to similarities
Understanding Trademark Infringement in Canada: Part 1
In Canada, trademark protection exists under common law and legislation. Trademarks provide protection across Canada.
Understanding The Liabilities Of A Power Of Attorney
Consulting a skilled law firm can help you understand these Power of Attorney liabilities better.
Understanding The Importance of Common Law for Property Ownership in Alberta
Here is the importance of common law for property ownership in Alberta such as property
Understanding The Basics Of PHIPA Compliance
The primary purpose of PHIPA is to safeguard information which is under the responsibility of
Understanding Shareholder Buyout Agreements
A skilled law firm can help you draft and implement a shareholder buyout agreement successfully.
Understanding Negligence In A Personal Injury Claim
To understand personal negligence definition better, refer to our guide on types of negligence or
Understanding The Impact of Canada Legalising The Recreational Use of Marijuana
Feel free to contact us to get in touch with our legal team to understand
Understanding Constructive Trusts
A constructive trust is a type of trust that is formed as a remedy to