Category Archives: Insurance scheme

What To Do After My Patent Expires?

A patent is an important asset for any company and needs to be protected in

What is Medical Malpractice Insurance and How Can you Avail of it?

Medical malpractice insurance is a coverage that is applied when a certified medical practitioner is

What Are The Different Types Of Corporations From A Tax Perspective?

There are different types of corporations for tax purposes. As a business owner, you have

Understanding The Basics Of PHIPA Compliance

The primary purpose of PHIPA is to safeguard information which is under the responsibility of

Top Three Things You Must Understand About Corporate Lawyers

Engaging in any business is always about taking risks. But when hiring a corporate lawyer


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office ("CIPO") and the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's

Investing in Canada: When you Can and When you Can’t

All information that is received by Industry Canada and its officials in relation to an

How To Get Healthcare Insurance After You Arrive In Canada

The government of Canada has a publicly funded healthcare system and provides free healthcare up

How To File An Auto Insurance Claim

Make sure you contact a lawyer who specializes in insurance law to navigate you through

How To Control Legal Costs

After all, a couple of hundred dollar investment is nothing compared to what they could

5 Things To Pay Attention To, When Terminating An Employee In Canada

The Alberta Employment Standards Code makes it mandatory for employers to provide notice of intention

5 Legal Tips For a Hassle-Free Christmas Party [URGENT – time bound post]

Taking legal precautions help with unexpected and unwelcome behaviour at office parties.