Lorraine Prowse

Patent & Trademark Agent
Registered Canadian Patent Agent

Registered Canadian Trademark Agent

Education: 2008 B.Sc (Biological Sciences) from the University of Alberta


#1450, Connect Tower 10020 – 101A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2

Refer Lorraine

Lorraine is a registered patent and trademark agent advising individuals and companies on intellectual property matters. From searches to determining the possibility of obtaining a patent or trademark registration to the drafting of the applications themselves, Lorraine guides inventors, entrepreneurs and brands through the patent and trademark processes. In addition, Lorraine assists in preparing patent infringement suits and is consulted as an expert voice. She works closely with her clients to clearly analyze all options and to ensure their unique needs are met.

Lorraine has drafted or helped in the drafting of many patents related to tools and methods used in Alberta’s oil and gas industry. She has also worked on many patents related to various mechanical devices and other types of inventions. If you could use a chuckle, you will definitely want to check out the Prowse Barrette LLP LinkedIn account for Lorraine’s weekly #weirdpatents videos on unusual patents, such as the creepy workout doll.

Lorraine has been competing at the national level with her horses since 1998, winning championships in Canada and the U.S. She’s been the Arabian Horse Association High Point Amateur and owns and trained the most nationally titled Arabian horse in North America.

Areas of Practice

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