Intellectual Property Commercialization
We at Prowse Barrette LLP know and understand what intellectual property means and how important it is to keep it safe.

Intellectual Property Commercialization
We at Prowse Barrette LLP know and understand what intellectual property means and how important it is to keep it safe. We protect and enforce your intangible assets and help you maximize their value. Our valued professionals provide comprehensive intellectual property advice to our clients across all sectors.
We also provide defensive and offensive litigation in all areas of intellectual property, including copyrights, patents, plant breeders’ rights, industrial designs, internet domain names, trademarks, decision risk analyses, counterfeit enforcements, impeachments, validity and infringement opinions and various internet issues.
IP Commercialization and Monetization
In order to commercialize and monetize intellectual property, startups need to develop an intellectual property strategy. Our fundamental consideration of any Intellectual Property strategy is to always balance any short-term gain against potential long-term pain with regard to the company’s business goals.
In order to secure a royalty stream, a common strategy for commercialization and monetization is to sign a licensing agreement to the company’s core patents. At the same time, a licensee who does not prioritize promoting and exploiting the licensed IP could become a liability, which is what startups need to realize.
Protect Intellectual Property
Our professionals have detailed knowledge and understanding of intellectual property commercialization. They protect our clients’ ownership rights, control and manage technology transfer (Intellectual Property) by means of the license, assignment or other contractual arrangements to increase competitive advantage, add a new source of revenue, maximize return on investment and foster industrial growth.
Our professionals understand what other technologies complement our clients’ offerings, and look to assist in our clients forming partnerships in order to create higher-value solutions. We also ensure that their resources are directed towards the core IP that supports the business goals. We also know that the IP strategy should be tailored to support our clients’ goals by maximizing the legal protections available and minimizing risk and liability. There have been cases of licensing agreements that resulted in very poor results for a client startup. Therefore, our professionals are aware that if a client signs an exclusive license with a partner who doesn’t expend proper effort in marketing or developing the technology, such cases could occur.